further training

further training


Regional Studies Association Europe Winter School on Regional Development and Public Policy

KNOW (Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality) Doctoral Training Course “Co-producing Doctoral Urban Research in the Global South”. 



  • Understanding diversity and inclusion by Purdue University
  • Ideas for a better world: Leading change through policymaking by The British Council
  • Migration and Cities by European University Institute

Citizen Science Advanced: Designing and facilitating participatory research processes competently by ETH Zurich and UZH 

Citizen Science Winter School by ETH Zurich and UZH. https://www.cswinterschool.uzh.ch/en.html 


Ecosystem Services: a Method for Sustainable Development by University of Geneva (MOOC)

Four months of intensive Lebanese Arabic course by ALPS in Beirut 


Serious Gaming by Erasmus University Rotterdam (MOOC)

Utrecht Winter School on Earth Systems Governance by Future Earth – Participant of the ‘Adaptiveness and purposeful change’ theme. http://www.earthsystemgovernance.net/utrecht2018/winter-school/

UCL Development Planning Unit: SummerLab in Bar Elias ‘Public realm and spaces of refuge’ – Participant working with local researchers. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/development/bar-elias-beqaa-lebanon-public-realm-and-spaces-refuge
Future Earth Early Career Researcher ‘Futures Workshop’ – Participant. http://futureearth.org/news/early-career-researcher- 



‘Highly Commended’ Carbon Auditor Certification by Carbon Trust

Danube Summer School 2016 – An European Danube Academy project to discuss policymaking, challenges & projects of the Danube Region. Additionally, developed a project proposal specifically for the region to tackle a number of challenges 

identified within the EC priority areas. 


BTEC in Woodcarving, Richmond Adult Community College, UK 


Green Impact – IEMA approved Introduction to Auditing and Evaluating Behaviour Change Training, Kingston University 

Bright Futures Entrepreneurial skills programme certificate 


LAO Level 2 Certificate in Business and Administration, Havering College, UK 


BA Surface Design, London College of Communication, UK 

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