

Forthcoming in 2023:
Puskás, N., Chapter 1: Choose to be disturbed if you want change! In: The F Normality Collective (Eds.) F*** Normality! The Rebellion of Radical Educators Reclaiming teaching as transformation.

Forthcoming in 2022:
Banyai-Becker, W. et al., Engaging with co-production: reflections from doctoral researchers. (book chapter) In: KNOW, Co-production as a practical strategy for urban equality.

Puskás, N., Abunnasr, Y., Naalbandian, S. (2021) Assessing deeper levels of participation in nature-based solutions in urban landscapes - A literature review of real-world cases. Landscape and Urban Planning 210, 

Puskas, N. (2018) On the importance of cultural diversity. Challenges of the Roma. In Paul F. Langer, Peter Langer, Christof Hußmann (Eds.): DUNA ROMANI LUMA. Die Welt der Roma an der Donau. Ulm: Klemm & Oelschläger (Danube Book Series, vol. 9), pp. 73–86. 

Watson-Puskás, N. (2017) A case study on Budapest: Lessons on urban resilience. In: Brotas, L., Roaf, S. and Nicol, F. (Eds.) Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference – Design to Thrive, Volume III., Edinburgh, 2-5 July 2017, NCEUB 2017. 

Watson-Puskás, N. (2017) The Danube Summer School as a demonstrator of temporary urbanism and community building. In: Mayer, G. and Langer, P. F. (Eds.) Brücken Bilden! Bridges Educate! Entstehung und Entwicklung eines Danube-School-Netzwerkes, Ulm, Klemm & Oelschläger, ISBN: 978-3862811168. 

Kovac, J., Lenz, K., Skakodub, A-M., Slezak, N., Watson-Puskás, N. and Zdero, A. (2017) Project Proposal: Danube Summer Camp. In: Mayer, G. and Langer, P. F. (Eds.) Brücken Bilden! Bridges Educate! Entstehung und Entwicklung eines Danube-School- Netzwerkes, Ulm, Klemm & Oelschläger, ISBN: 978-3862811168. Reg

Calzada, I., (Ed.) Barrett, F., Dynes, C., MacAdam, G., MacDonald, K., Murray, G., Watson-Puskas, N., Qiu, N. (2016) Global Sustainable City-Regions: Mumbai, Shenzhen, Reykjavik, Portland, Budapest, Rotterdam & Glasgow. Translokal Publishing (Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making). ISBN: 978-84942752-7-2. 

Calzada, I. & McAdam, G. (2016) Smartness for Prosperity: Brazil & UK, Policy report commissioned by Future Cities Catapult in collaboration with MACI Innovations and published by Translokal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making – Publishing, Donostia. ISBN: 978-84-942752-9-6. 

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